Wednesday, 29 April 2015

great resource on trigger points

trigger points are a very useful tool/methodology for freeing up sensation in the body, where perhaps nerves/muscles/energy have conspired to block the flow of awareness/sensation....

so what

so you got more awake, some trivial function of the empty awareness that isn't even you, that absolutely no-one, not even your guru, cares about, is now more effortless, more present! BIG FUCKING DEAL.

You can get happy about if you like, then you can crash in smugness, misery, or both, when you realise that nothing has actually got any better, you still exist, and worse, you're still a twat. Everything is still the same as before, in fact, exactly. At best, basically there was some problem that you made up, then you did a shitload of practice, and then realised that the problem was completely made up. What do you want, a fucking medal?

Nothing is happier. Nothing is easier. Guess what happens now? Well, y- oh wait a sec - look there - there's something subtle in your experience which doesn't seem fully vibrant and totally effortless - you better check it out, let's talk later, see you a month.

Admittedly, it can seem that your progress helps other people. But if you actually believe this for a second, you are now onto an even more insidious and unwinnable ego-trip than the last one.

You are basically a big blob of totally uncontrollable psychic energy that likes to congeal around things and completely fuck them up in the process. Basically a delinquent child with cosmic superglue. This will always be the case. If you get as enlightened as possible, then you end up as absolutely nothing, a giant empty un-sphere of dharma-fucking-kaya in which phenomena do not occur. That is your best case scenario, if you spend years and years in hard practice. Well fucking hooray.

Give up. Now. Or suffer endlessly in cycles of making up mundane problems, making up enlightenment problems, then trying to fix them.