Monday 16 March 2015

So you glimpsed the Natural State! Wow! (Poem)

A poem inspired by my teacher's lineage, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Tulku Urgyen

So you glimpsed the natural state! Wow!
But right now you use it
like a rich man uses a holiday home -
to brag about,
and visit occasionally to escape stress.

How to remember to practice throughout your day?
Your question is simply a reflection of your priorities -
you are like a man with a winning lottery ticket
who keeps forgetting to cash it in,
because he thinks it's only worth a tenner.

Look, every single second you spend in delusion,
your mind blinds and bewilders you with more illusions.
You amass more and more karma,
weighing yourself down with more preferences, opinions, desires and hatred,
as surely as someone watching Fox News.

Look, with every single person you meet,
if you're not recognising Rigpa,
your filthy karma oozes over them
like an oil spill, indiscriminately harming friends, loved ones, strangers,
further poisoning the karmic ecosystem in ways you cannot imagine.
All your dharma friends, deities and Buddhas surround you like Greenpeace,
begging you to urgently contain the karmic Fukushima that is your mind!

is it still hard to remember?

You talk about the nature of mind very nicely
saying how beautiful, wide open, and free of suffering it is.
How tragic that you don't even buy your own spiel!
If you really think it's so great,
why don't you stay there all the time then?

There is no 'how' in remembering,
either you want to, or you don't.
If, for you, Dharma is just a hobby, that's fine,
each must go his own way.
I heard that samsara is nice this time of year.

But for those for have an idea that they want to practice,
then get your priorities straight,
engage all your heart and guts into practice!
Then you will not have to ask how to remember.

A squirrel or other small animal
does not need reminding
to keep looking around whilst eating.
fearful for its life, it twitches its head and eyes upwards constantly, always alert for predators.
Such is the power of fear!
But you see conditioned existence as a familiar old dog, stinky but comforting.
Be like the squirrel and cultivate a healthy fear of the hound of samsara!
Fear can surely save you from your complacency!

A teenager who is swooning in fresh romance
does not need reminding
to call her lover.
He is on her mind as soon as she wakes, eats, sleeps, he lives behind her every word.
Such is the power of love!
But you, like a bad spouse, you have allowed your infatuation with Rigpa to dwindle.
You're no longer enthused about being truly intimate with Reality - when it beckons, you claim to have a headache.
Like a lovestruck teenager, you should yearn for it constantly, pining every single moment that you are separate from it.
Love can surely save you from your complacency!

A proud gardener
does not need reminding
to pull up weeds.
Just seeing a single weed in his beloved beds hurts so much, that without prompting he will pull it up from its roots
Such is the power of care!
You neglect your mind, with no idea of how easily the weeds of your delusion propagate, or how deep their roots go.
Like the gardener, generate a healthy pride for the stainless nature of your mind!
Care can surely save you from your complacency!

A man who falls into some excrement
does not need reminding
to clean it off when he gets a chance.
Revolted by the smell, he will scurry away to a bathroom, hiding from people so it does not offend them.
Such is the power of disgust!
But you walk around reeking of dualistic confusion, with no compassionate regard for others.
Develop a deep revulsion for all your deluded habits, no matter how cute you think they are.
Disgust can surely save you from your complacency!

Cultivate fear of karma like a squirrel fears being torn apart by predators,
Fall in love with reality so hard that all you want to do is be totally naked together, all the time,
Start to care about the nature of mind such that seeing anything defile or obscure it is unbearable,
Become so disgusted by your cowardice that even the scent of it makes you wretch,
These four roads all lead directly back to the natural state. Your effortless progress is guaranteed!

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