Saturday 19 September 2015

liberation through non-existence

the door of liberation through non-existence

meaninglessness, depression, de-constructing everything

the reason why existentialist philosophers, robin williams, van gogh, are so miserable

the abyss as you call it is that part of you which knows itself as complete void, non-existence.

it is vast nothingness, stillness, emptiness. Creative people know this space well - it is the vacuum of meaninglessness which sucks the life from old ideas, and the blankness in which new ones can form.

it is the space between all the gaps in your mental and perceptual functioning that normally goes unnoticed as the mind hops from one thing to another. and like the 99.999999% of what we think of matter is actually space between atoms, so it is with you/existence. mentally, perceptually. you, your identity, your mental functioning seems solid but it's just tiny isolated mental/perceptual events, happening in vast empty space.

space is also the element of detachment. when you connect to the vastness it can feel overwhelmingly non-personal - and it is - but don't mistake this non-personalness for misery.

it is exactly because the space is so impersonal that it is so loving and can support so much abundant beautiful life. like the pacific ocean, it is because it is impersonal that it can take so many forms to support so many different things, from warm tropical colourful fish to miserable cold plankton, exactly what life needs, it accommodates.

but yeah, even tho the space is loving in its nature, it couldn't give a shit about all the egoic personal stuff of you. or me, whether you suffer or not, live or die. from the point of view of someone trying to be someone or something, space is a bit scary. from the point of view of someone who has received the View, and knows how to relate to it - it is the pure face of liberation.

space is found in stillness, as mental activity subsides, it is what remains. this is why it's so linked to 'depression' ... as people stop faffing around distracting themselves, they find nothingness at their core.... due to not knowing what this nothingness is, they get scared/de-energised and build a lot of stupid projections about themselves onto the space, thus spiralling themselves into more 'depression'...

the space of non-existence is primarily realised through de-constructing everything that seems solid or real. initially thoughts, but then with the raw sensory system. that's all that is coming for now. entry into space can be scary, it can seem a bit like you/your life is falling apart. look after yourself, don't confuse existential misery (neither good nor bad thing :) ) with ideas about you or your life being f'ed up (inaccurate). dance sing and love.

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